Weighing in at 15.5 pounds (75th percentile)
and a tall 26.5 inches (97th percentile)

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.....As well, at least 50% of infants are born with some degree of reflux simply from immaturity of the LES. Most of these infants will not have complications and will outgrow it before they are a year old. It is estimated that about 3% will not outgrow it and will experience the more serious complications related to GERD.
When a baby throws up after nearly every feeding and numerous times between feedings, parents may grow concerned and that there is something seriously wrong with their baby and they seek medical advice. Fortunately, most babies will spit up and/or throw up from their reflux and never have any other problems, they will likely outgrow the condition by the time they are one year and will never need medical treatment.
Silent GER refers to GER or GERD without any outward or typical symptoms. This could mean that a child isn't vomiting or appearing uncomfortable but is having reflux episodes. Some children may swallow the refluxed material (refluxate) back down instead of throwing it up, in some kids it may not come up enough to actually come out the mouth. This can be much more difficult to diagnose, since the most common symptoms are not present. It can also be more damaging as the refluxate burns the esophagus on the way up and again on the way down. Whether or not the silent reflux needs to be treated depends on the complications that are arising from it.